A summer of pleasure and discovery awaits Misty Mundae, who is 18 years old and innocent...until now. Aunt Inga (Julian Wells) resides in the lush countryside, and it is there that Misty will spend the next few months, exploring the awakening desires within her. She loses her virginity to the handsome boy next door, but this is only the beginning, as Misty's appetite for sexual awakening knows no limits. Experienced and sensual Inga understands, and soon shares her appreciation for the delights of female companionship with her young protégé. It remains to be seen how far Misty will take her sexual explorations, but the journey is certain to be sweet.
The Erotic Diary Of Misty Mundae
Experience a day in the life of Misty Mundae!...
The Erotic Witch Project 3: Witch Babe
The year is 1800. The town, Bacchusville, New......