In this continuation of Bizarre’s hot new series, Maggie quits her secretarial job to find greater fulfillment working as a professional submissive in a private dungeon. But when Edward tries to lure her back to work, he runs into a confrontation with her new employer. To avoid getting fired, McKenzie, a secretary falls to her knees to beg for her job and proceeds with a different kind of job that leads into a sizzling sex scene. Maggie quits her job as a secretary to work as a professional submissive in a private dungeon, where she finds much more job satisfaction. To climb the corporate ladder, Indiana Bones, an ambitious executive seduces his superior Jessica in the hopes of a promotion. The boss of the company meets his match when a professional submissive confronts him in his own office.
James Deen's Sex Tapes: Off Set Sex 2
This is what it looks like when gorgeous porn......