This was an incredibly hot fuck session that I had been fantasizing about for a very long time! I know you all remember my girlfriend Rio. Well, when we first met Rio and her husband they weren't into full swap swinging. She did other girls and that was cool with her husband but she never fucked other guys and he didn't fuck around with other women. As Jake and I got to know them better it became obvious they were both interested in taking things a little further. There's something especially erotic about fucking a man you had dreamed about for so long that when it finally happens it's really quite over the top. ~Kisses, Allie
Allie And Jorden Do The Cameraman
Jorden and I met at a hotel one night not too......
Allie And Jake Swap With Shane And Shelby
Jake and I had a great time fucking Shelby and......
One Horny Night With My Vibrator
Ok so what girl doesn’t like to play dress-up......
Jake And I Tag Team A Sexy Blonde
Sammy & Brett came over to our hotel a couple......