Dear CDC, I'm writing to you in hopes that you will consider working with us to safely home our ferals. We have a large population of feral people, they are wild, uncivilized. My people hate the ferals, they climb in trash barrels to eat, they can become territorial & violent, and people are offended by their odd behaviors, their dirty smell and nudity. I know the ferals can be civilized and integrated in with the rest of us, even if they don't have the mental ability to learn to function and speak like us, they could be tamed and loved just as you would love a family pet. It is clear that the ferals enjoy affection, they form strong bonds within their families. There are some people who feel for the ferals, as I do, and have created shelters for them. The ferals are terribly unhappy in these shelters, some suffer depression, many cry and scream, they sit separately in concrete cages, they are alone, oftentimes cold, scared, hungry, and waiting for a home. I have volunteered to home one of the rescued ferals when the shelter is filled to capacity. I look forward to your help. For all Ferals, Megan Rain
Adriana Chechik: The Ultimate Slut 2
With a signature hybrid of glamorous beauty and......